Having 8 learners and 2 teachers from a private school in Lanett, Alabama, was a great opportunity for our school. Learners from the Grovesmühle got a chance to talk to English mother tongue speakers. Here are some of the activities we managed to fit into the few days we had together. In grade 9, for example, the German learners used their recently written CVs and application letters to participate in mock job interviews which the American learners held for them. The grade 10 learners were given a challenge: the Americans visitors had to find, research and present reasons showing that Germany is great and the German learners had to do exactly the same for the US. Each group attempted to win the discussion by persuading the other with convincing arguments. Both groups learned how different the two countries are but also, that both have plenty to be grateful for. Since the US is one of the main topics in the final English exams, the grade 11 learners had time to ask cultural, historical, political and even controversial questions about America. The information written in their textbooks got a more interesting and relatable touch as they heard personal experiences and opinions from our visitors. Aside from the class visits, learners could mingle during break times and at extracurricular activities. It was a short visit but one that will hopefully happen more often in the future. International exchanges broaden the horizons of all participants that have a positive attitude. These programs also help to develop new friendships and explore new cultures. As an added bonus, they encourage communication in English.
Dana du Toit