Living in a boarding school

We are deliberate that our students need to experience clear structures and rules on one hand, as well as support and freedom on the other. The educational concept of holistic and diversity is also implemented in our boarding school. We make sure that our students can experience clear structures and rules on the one hand and yet get encouragement and freedom on the other side. Children and teenagers will find a second home in the Landschulheim Grovesmühle. They appreciate the warm,, personal care but also the structured everyday life, the diverse leisure and joint activities we offer. Together they celebrate successes, fight homesickness and comfort heartbreaks. Our educators are not only the first point of contact for the children and teenagers, they also always have an open ear for parents and guardians.

Our boarding school families consist of 6-12 children and teenagers of different ages, who live together withtheir carer on a corridor. Once a week there is a so-called "family evening". We cook, play games or do otheractivities together. Within the „families“, the elderly take responsibility for the younger ones, as it iscustomary in a family. This way, self-responsibility and external responsibility are strengthened at a youngage. Living closely together and the respectful contact with each other, also strengthens the ability of eachindividual to cooperate.

Each student lives in a single or double room, the latter with a classmate of the same age. The rooms can bearranged by the kids themselves. We want the children and teenagers to feel comfortable. Everyone isresponsible for tidying up and cleanliness of the rooms. In each living area there is also a lounge which canbe used for playing, reading, chatting or watching TV.

A typical day in the boarding school


7:15 – 7:40 a.m.

After having breakfast together, the boarding school supervisors will announce organizational stuff for the day.


08:00 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr (Wednesday & Friday until 14:00 Uhr)

Every day from 13:30 to 14:00 there will be a communication time for all students - including day students - to speak to their teachers.



Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday

In the Silentium the students prepare themselves for their lessons. During this time, boarding school supervisors are available to help.


18:45 Uhr - 19:15 Uhr

During dinner time, the previous day will be discussed and the leisure time is being planned. The boarding school students are particularly excited about Tuesday, because the cooking guild prepares a weekly surprise meal for their roommates under the guidance of head chef, Gerold Hänel!

Guilds and free time

Most of our varied boarding school guilds take place after dinner and on weekends.

Night rest

Living together also means mutual consideration. In order for everyone to find sufficient rest and sleep, there are fixed periods of night rest, staggered according to age:

11 - 12 years - 20:30
13 - 14 years - 21:00
15 - 16 years - 21:30
from 17 years - 22:00

Every 14 days at the weekend and during the school holidays, the boarding school students are expected totravel home. It is important to us that the relationship to the parents' home, family and friends is strengthenedand encouraged. In some cases, however, it is not possible to travel home due to the professional activity ofthe parents or legal guardians or due to the distance. In these situations, we can also provide additional careat weekends or support you in your search for suitable leisure or holiday activities.

During the boarding weekends there is a colourful and varied weekend programme. On Sundays, you cansleep until 10:00 a.m., after which you will have a brunch together with all the residents. Afterwards, at 12o’clock, a convention takes places in which all children and teenagers have the opportunity to activelydiscuss their boarding school life. Worries and needs, but also criticism and suggestions can becommunicated here. After a concluding Silentium, the Sunday afternoon is used for leisure.