Dear alumni,
We mastered our school days together, worked on countless projects, experienced bad but above all goodtimes in the Grovesmühle - which connects us forever. To stay in contact with you, our old bourgeois and tofollow your career is a matter close to our hearts. That’s why we organize our so-called "Altbürgertreffen"every year in the course of the school festival. On this day, you can not only chat about the good old dayswith your former comrades and teachers and review your school days, but you can also take a personal lookat all the changes in the school itself. On Facebook, there is an active old bourgeois forum - facebook.com/groups/144760948904157, which Mrs. Römermann takes care of.If you are also interested in the developments at the Landschulheim and want to stay up to date, then wewould be happy if you send us the following form about your agreement to receive all the old bourgeoisinformation.Please send us the completed form either printed out by post or as an e-mail attachment toaltbuerger@grovesmuehle.eu.
We look forward to hearing from you and to welcoming you to the „Altbürgertreffen“!