We are obliged to comply with the essential school regulations of the state of Saxony-Anhalt. Thisapplies in particular to the transfer and finals regulations.However, we are free in the choice of pedagogical methods and the implementation of the provisionsof school law and can determine our own pedagogical profile.This is also reflected in our school programme. We give children and teenagers the space and opportunityto discover and develop their interests and talents. At the same time, we attach great importanceto strengthening the sense of responsibility for oneself and others. It is our aim to accompanythe pupils on their way to a successful graduation certificate and to optimally prepare themfor life after school.
Students with partial performance deficits are dealt with separately and specifically. A partial performanceweakness on the one hand often brings strength on another. This means working on theweaknesses and promoting individual strengths. In addition to two school social workers and aschool psychologist, an experienced and certified dyslexic therapist is available to you and us forthese themes. A training programme is currently available for dyscalculia.As a member of networks such as „School without Racism- School with Courage" or „See the biggerpicture", we constantly put ourselves, our projects and our methods to the "test".In order to be able to offer all students the most suitable type of school, Grovesmühle’s offer includesattendance at the grammar school, the secondary school education course and the technicalsecondary school in the subjects "Technology" and "Health and Social Affairs“.